Investigation into data security incident has concluded

Michael Garron Hospital (MGH) experienced a data security incident in October 2023 that led to the exposure of personal information belonging to some of our donors. For further information, see the statement and FAQ page on the MGH website.

Our website,, and payments processed via our website were not affected and remain secure.

Dr. Mohammad Zia, Chief of Cardiology at Michael Garron Hospital

Improve your heart health: tips from a Michael Garron Hospital cardiologist

Dr. Mohammad Zia, Chief of Cardiology at Michael Garron Hospital, shares how he lives heart healthy and strategies for making change.

There’s no shortage of information online on how to enhance your heart health. Frankly, it can be overwhelming.

So we asked Dr. Zia, a seasoned cardiologist and medical director of our hospital’s heart program, to share some of the ways he protects and strengthens his heart.

These helpful tips are by no means exhaustive, but they’re a great starting point. It’s always a good idea to consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

1. Eat well

Dr. Zia likes to use the plate method to ensure he gets the right balance of food types in his diet.

Half of his plate has non-starchy vegetables. One-quarter has protein, ideally lean proteins like fish or skinless chicken breast. The remaining quarter has foods that are complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, brown rice and pasta. He also has a serving of fruit with his meals.

2. Get moving

“Sitting is the new smoking,” says Dr. Zia, emphasizing the importance of movement in strengthening your cardiovascular health.

Aerobic exercise comes in many forms. Something as straightforward as a brisk walk gets your heart pumping and increases blood circulation throughout your body. Exercise also lowers your blood pressure and improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reducing your risk for heart disease.

Dr. Zia enjoys playing tennis. To fit exercise into his daily routine he also takes the stairs whenever possible. All of this helps him reach his goal of 10,000 steps per day.


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