If you’ve walked around East Toronto neighbourhoods during the pandemic, you may have seen the warm glow of hearts in home windows. These beautiful lights are called Neon Hero Hearts, and they’re the creation of local lighting business Moss LED.
In a rainbow of colours, these LED hearts glow in the windows of houses as a thank you to healthcare workers – spreading positivity in a dark time.
Jeff’s Neon Hero Hearts initiative, part of his business Our Glowing Hearts, started with a simple goal in mind: to show support to our front line heroes. “When the pandemic shut down our company, we needed to pivot our organization’s focus. We thought, ‘What about manufacturing glowing neon hearts that would be an illuminated symbol and show thanks to healthcare workers?”
Jeff notes that this amazing idea not only helped unite a community, but it also helped keep his business afloat during a challenging time. “Not only did this allow us to keep our staff employed,” Jeff says, “it allowed us to hire more people in the community as well as directly donate a portion of the proceeds from every glowing heart to Michael Garron Hospital (MGH).”
Moss LED donates $5 from each heart purchased to MGH Foundation. That came to almost $40,000 as of July 31, 2021.
This initiative is close to Jeff’s heart, as he knows how important the community around MGH is. This is more than just a place to live, it’s a community full of people who care, and for Jeff, this meant being a good neighbour to those around him.
“Being a good neighbour means caring about your community and those that reside it in. Our local hospital is a place where our neighbours go when they need urgent or specialized medical help, and are often facing some of the largest challenges of their lives. I can’t think of a more appropriate way to support those in need of care than by supporting those who are administering that care.”
Jeff felt a special inspiration for this initiative thanks to one of MGH’s frontline heroes, Dr. Michael Warner, the hospital’s Medical Director of Critical Care. “Dr. Michael Warner is an inspiration to us and our organization. When the pandemic began we were one of the companies that answered his call for personal protective equipment by donating masks and 3D printing face shields. MGH was a leading hospital that rallied community members to support not just MGH but many other hospitals in Ontario as well.”
Jeff believes anyone can give back to their community, and it can start with a small gesture. “It starts with simple everyday things like letting someone into your lane while driving or holding the door for someone. Small acts of kindness and generosity go a long way to improving everyone’s daily life.”
The glowing hearts are making an impact across Toronto, and that warms Jeff’s heart. “The amount of positive stories our company has received regarding the glowing hearts is astounding.”
“Everyone in our organization knows how important each and every one of our hearts that leave our door is, because it is not designed just for the person who has ordered it, but for everyone who will see its glowing light.”
You can purchase your own Neon Hero Heart and support Michael Garron Hospital.
Read more about Jeff’s story.
Read more acts of Neighbourgood, and find out how you too can be a good neighbour.